Saturday, May 2, 2009

New Mexico Wildlife and Wild New Mexico

I get a lot of questions about our TV Program Wild New Mexico. You can see the latest programs on your computer at . The new version is "New Mexico Wildlife" sponsored by the Department of Game and Fish. I hope that very soom we will be back on Albuq. TV perhaps on Sat or Sun mornings. We will be on some Southern NM Stations beginning in June.

Friday, May 1, 2009

San Juan River News

Above is a chart of the flow rates for the Spring Peak Release Schedule for the San Juan River below Navajo Dam.

The powers that be, (those who control the flow rate for the San Juan), have published their estimated rates of flow for the Peak Release Schedule. This is the "Artificial Spring Runoff" that theoretically allow the sqawfish, oops -- the Colorado Pikey Minnow--, to spawn and meet the endangered species requirements.

Snow pack is estimated at 90% and the inflow to Navajo Dam at 93% of normal. This will mean that from the June date on, normal flow will be 500 cfs. That's good news.